class sneaker walking shoe

Soft breathable mesh upper promises comfy feeling, you won't feel tired even wearing these athletic shoes for a whole day.

  • U.S customer review

    I will use these for work (nurse) and for everyday. I was looking for slip on shoes due to recent back problems and these don’t slip on as easily as I hoped but are cute and comfortable. They also accommodate any swelling your feet may go through. A worthy purchase and affordable.

  • UK customer review

    These shoes look and fit as nice as my more expensive brand-name shoes, although the long-term foot support remains to be seen. Very lightweight. I wear them 8-10 hours a day and my feet feel great throughout. Bought two pair and plan to buy again in other colors. Great price!

  • DE customer review

    Top Schuhe! Super bequem und leicht. Selbst nach 8 Stunden arbeiten im Stehen fühlen sich die Beine weder schwer noch überlasstet an. Klare weiterempfehlung auch für Menschen die Probleme mit geschwollenen Beinen haben.